Thursday, May 31, 2012

Photography Goal

Chandler Coomes

Final Photography Goal
My original goal was to just explore all the different types of photography, and learn new techniques and styles. I believe I met that goal because in class we did many different labs. My favorite of those labs was the painting with light lab and the food lab. I liked the painting with light lab because it was very different from what I had ever done, and it was very interesting to see the turn out of the photos. I liked the food lab because I liked how appealing or dramatic we could make the food look with just changing the lighting. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Portrait Blog

Portrait Blog
When photographing the model, it was much easier because the shutter speed did not have to be very fast, but fast enough that we did not need to use a tripod. But when we photographed the ducks and the dog, we had to use a much faster shutter speed, because they would move around a lot since communication was not an option with them. When we were outside we had to change the shutter speed and aperture from what they were set for inside.